Thursday, February 26, 2009

Working Abroad

handshake infront of a globe
Picture Courtesy of:

Since writing about backpacking, many of you have asked me to write about working abroad. Your wishes are my commands! Working abroad is a great way of traveling while making some cash, it's all about mixing work and pleasure and for many, that's a recipe for success. Not to mention that working abroad can open many unexpected doors and can result in a major career boost!

Getting A Job

It is preferable that you land a job before departing. This will significantly decrease your level of stress and anxiety and will let you know what to expect upon arriving.

There are great programs like SWAP that can help you find a job abroad amongst their 12 possible destinations. SWAP is a Canadian program open to Canadians only. They are the leading force behind the increasing numbers of youths and young professionals working outside of Canada and they offer continuous support and services throughout your stay.

You can also check-out job banks like which offers a huge range of opportunities abroad for travelers of all ages and backgrounds. Unlike SWAP however, does not provide any additional help other than finding you a job. It does not provide any follow-up or extra support once in the country of choice.

Room & Board

Another great way of working abroad is finding places that include housing and food as well as a job. This allows you to save so much money and it provides you the freedom of job hopping. Most of these places offer temporary work, so you can work a little and travel a little going from one job to another. These job opportunities are relatively rare but this site can help you find what you're looking for.

Pros and Cons of Working Abroad

  1. It's cheap and it allows you to travel for lengthy periods without going broke.

  2. It requires a lot of preparation and it can be time consuming at first.

  3. It's a great way to jump-start your career and create important contacts. Working in a foreign country can be enriching and challenging all at once.

  4. Working abroad can be very demanding! Finding housing, a job, getting around in a different country, learning the language, the customs and traditions, making friends, these all take some time and it can all get discouraging.

  5. You're taking part in something unique and exciting. Programs like SWAP really help you make the most out of your trip and offers great, continuous help so that you don't feel alone and or abandoned in a foreign country.

  6. It's worth a shot. You've got nothing to lose but your job. If you're not happy and things are just not panning out, it's all good, pack your bags and come back least you'll have tried.

Still Want More Info or Have Questions, Doubts?

It's difficult for me to cover everything working abroad entitles but please consult the following websites. There, you'll find answers to most of your questions and perhaps even start the entire process. The 2 websites have everything you need to know about working abroad. Always remember, be safe, be cheap and enjoy!!

Information Websites

  1. Service Canada

  2. The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas

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