Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5 Good Reasons Not To Vacation During Spring Break

Cancun bird's-eye-view
Picture Courtesy of:

Okay fellow spring breakers, I thought it would be timely to write about all the wonderful reasons to never take a vacation during spring break. I don't want to discourage anyone who have plans to use their time off from school to travel, but the truth is, vacation deals and packages double in value at this particular time and you end-up getting very little for your money.


Well, spring break is known for being the party capital in places like Cancun Mexico so it's to be expected that large groups of youngsters are likely to make certain that your vacation isn't a quiet one.

Spring break runs from the last 2 weeks of February to the end of March. During this period, hotels run at full capacity thus reducing the quality of their services and their response time.

Alcohol, sun and warm weather make the afternoons around the pool a little unpleasant as the spring breakers invade the area with loud and boisterous sounds of drunkenness. Spring break is not an ideal time to travel if you want to relax and enjoy peace and quiet.

Still Not Convinced?

Because the resorts are packed and the nights of partying end in the wee hours of morning, you often wake-up to a dirty resort that is still showing the signs of a rough evening.

It's expensive! I did my research and found a huge difference in prices before and after spring break. The average price of a one week, all-inclusive package during spring break goes for about 1300$-1600$ while the same package for the weeks before or after go for 900$-1200$!

That's a huge chunk of money for bad service, uncleanliness and sleepless nights. For a cheap deal seeker like me, spring break vacations are an enormous turn-off. You just don't get the most out of the money you pay unless partying is #1 on your priority list.

So You Still Want To Go

I know that for many students, spring break can be alluring and a time to make great new connections and have lots of great stories to tell upon returning. There are ways to save money if ever you decide to leave during that period and sites like this one which offers student prices on flights and packages, could be your best bet.

So here they are, my top 5 reasons not to take a vacation during spring break:

  1. It's expensive and you get nothing out of your money.

  2. Hotels and resorts are often over booked and can't keep-up with the demand which translates into bad service, bad food and bad quality control.

  3. It's not clean! It's not that they don't try to keep it clean but with so many people to cater to and often nasty episodes of drunkenness, it tends to make keeping the areas clean a lot more difficult.

  4. For those looking for some quiet time away from home to relax, take in the sun and find peace, you're in for a shocker. Peace and quiet is literally nonexistent during spring break and for that reason you're likely to get frustrated, annoyed and lack a great deal of sleep.

  5. After watching this, hopefully it all comes together and helps you decide.

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